Jag Head

Jag Head

Monday, December 6, 2010


Your Resume should be in reverse chronological order, that means from most recent to oldest.
Some potential iinterview qquestions are:
1.What are your strong traits?
2.Do you have any weaknesses?
3.Where is your job situation?
4.Why should i hire you?
5.Where do you want to be in 5 years?
6.What does success mean to you?
Here are some dress options for men during your interview:
1.Wear a suit with a collar, dress shirt, and necktie
2.Wear a coat, slacks, and necktie
3.Wear slacks, a collar shirt, and necktie
Here are some dress options for women during an interview:
1.Wear a suit with a blouse
2.wear a pantsuit with a blouse
3.Wear a skirt with a blouse or sweater
You prepare for an interview by being prepared to answer any questions that you may be asked. You should also look professional when you are going in for your interview. The purpose of an interview is to impress your employer. The purpose of a cover letter is to highlight material in your resume. the purpose of a follow-up letter is to thank your employer for the interview.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Study Skills

There are 3 types of learning styles, they are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. The Visual learning style is when you need to see material, and Visual learners tend to look at teachers expressions. The Auditory learning style is when you need to hear the learning material, And Auditory learners tend to listen to the teacher speak. The Kinesthetic Learning style is when you need to act or feel the material, and Kinesthetic learners tend learn through hands on activities.
Here are some tips on how you should study:
1.Find a quite place where you can concentrate
2.Avoid distractions like the TV or phone
3.Play quiet background music
4.Know your learning style
5.Take short frequent brakes
Here are some tips on how you should not study:
1.Don't put off studying until right before tests

2.Don't just read through your notes over and over again
3.Don't Get depressed on a bad grade and give up
4. Don't try to go on it alone
Here are some ways to organize yourself:
1.Use a daily planner
2.Put all important dates in the planner
3.Always have your planner with you
4.Make good use of your time
5.Create folders for each academic class

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

College Unit

Comparing Auburn to Samford in their schools, Auburn has 25,000 students and Samford has 3,000 students. 70% of the students at Samford are out of state, and there is no charge for out of state fee at Samford. 80% of the students at Samford receive financial aid, and 60% of students at Auburn receive financial aid. There are also more tests you have to take to get in a private college like Samford. You apply for college your junior year in high school. The highest ACT score you can achieve is 36k, and the highest SAT score you can achieve is 2400.

Internet Safety

Here are five ways to protect your privacy on the Internet:
1. Set Strong Passwords
2. Do not tag pictures of yourself on social networking sites
3. Do not include date of birth
4. Do not include your home address
5. Log out of social networking sites
Here are 5 things you want to do when you are on the Internet:
1.Do know everybody on your friends list
2.Do use the Internet for school work
3.Do be careful about talking to strangers
4.Do be careful of what you download
5.Do be respectful of other people
Here are 5 things you do not want to do when you are on the Internet
1.Do Not give out any personal information
2.Do Not believe people if you do not know them
3.Do Not share passwords with anyone
4.Do Not download content without a parents approval
5.Do Not send embarrassing photos of people
Here are 5 safety tips you should follow when you are on the Internet:
1.Block communication with a cyber bully
2.Report cyber bullying to a trusted adult
3.Delete the cyber bully's messages without reading them
4.Raise awareness for cyber bullying
5.Share anti-cyber bullying rules with friends

Monday, November 29, 2010

All About Being a Jaguar

Spain Park High School is located at 4700 Jaguar Drive in Hoover, Alabama. Our Mission statement is, The future belongs to the educated, and Spain Park High School exists to promote and prepare students for academic excellence while empowering our young adults to live and thrive in that future. Our Alma Mater is, Spain Park Jags, we celebrate, a place we hold so dear This our Alma Mater, Spain Park we sing and cheer Ever Faithful, Ever Loyal, as the years pass through May we ever love the Jaguar Blue,To Spain Park be true! I love being a Jaguar because we are great at school and we are great at sports. My schedule is:
1st Period: Gym, Coach Dampeer http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/bdampeer/Pages/default.aspx
2nd Period: Pre-AP World History, Mrs. Smisson http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/msmission/Pages/default.aspx
3rd Period: Pre-AP Biology, Mrs. Bundren http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/kwilson/Pages/default.aspx
4th Period: HS101, Coach Tucker http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/vtucker/Pages/default.aspx
5th Period: Law Academy, Mr. Thompson http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/cthompson/Pages/default.aspx
6th Period: English, Mrs. Strickland http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/cstrickland/Pages/default.aspx
7th Period: Pre-AP Geometry, Mrs. Culbreth http://www2.hoover.k12.al.us/schools/sphs/Faculty2/SCulbreth/Pages/default.aspx